
After the cold wet weather many warm season couch and buffalo lawns are looking off-colour and worse for wear so they may need a little help.  Warm season grasses stop growing during the colder months and can become more susceptible to invasion from weeds and attack from pests and diseases.  But there is a simple solution to get your lawn back in top condition and to make your neighbours green with envy.

Regular fortnightly mowing is important to keep your lawn growing strongly and to prevent weed intrusion.  Dead grass or thatch should be raked out and areas compacted from foot traffic, cars or wear, aerated with a garden fork.  Once the hard work is taken care of, this is the easy bit a superior health treatment and boost to revitalise your lawn, which means you are taking care of your lawn above and below the ground.

Seasol for Lush Green Lawns combines the benefits of Seasol with a specifically formulated nutrient mix, plus trace elements to stimulate growth and enhance foliage colour.  The added concentrated liquid composts and wetting agent condition the soil and aid water penetration into the root zone to reduce leaching.

The easy way to a healthy and more resilient lawn is an application of Seasol for Lush Green Lawns every couple of weeks throughout the growing season.  You can pick up Seasol for Lush Green Lawns at all good Garden Centres and Retailers and you can find out more at
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